Morton Junior High is a seventh and eighth grade junior high by name, but a middle school by philosophy. Seventh graders are divided into two teams (green and white) and are assigned a core-teaching group consisting of a science teacher, two language arts teachers, a math teacher, and a social studies teacher. Eighth graders are divided up the same way (red and gray teams) and are assigned a similar core of teachers. Each student then is assigned to two exploratory (AKA "Encore") classes they have for a nine-week time period. Every student also has daily physical education. Students may also choose to participate in band, orchestra, or vocal music. A wide variety of extra-curricular sports, activities, and clubs are offered.
One benefit of teaming is for a group of teachers to get to know the same small number of students. This allows teachers to meet collectively and proactively collaborate in instructional planning. It also allows teachers to react quickly to student needs. Each team of teachers have daily common planning time available to meet with students and parents.
Some of our favorite traditions include our staff Halloween competition and assembly, community pep rallies following state tournament appearances, dodgeball tournament benefitting the Gameball Run, Grandparents’ Day, and step-up days. We also host two successful community events, the Halloween Spooktacular and Girls Night Out cheer and dance clinic.
History of Morton Junior High School
The emblem for Morton Junior High is a ceramic bean pot with a Large M on it. The original industry that founded the Village of Morton was a pottery factory making field tile to drain the swampy lowland for farming. The bean pot also became a big item for this factory. From this historical fact, the symbol for the "Junior Potters" came into being. The pottery factory was dismantled in 1979 and is now the site of our community library. Morton Junior High was formed in 1955, part of Elementary District #644. The Unit District #709 was formed in 1970. Our school colors changed from green and white to match the high school’s cheery and gray on January 1, 2008. The Potter mascot was redesigned in the fall of 2016 and “Clay” was born on November 1, 2016.
Morton Junior High School Song
Oh, we're for you dear Morton Junior High
Loyal to the red and white.
Let's all cheer for Morton Junior High
Give a cheer with all your might
Rah! Rah!
Oh, we'll be true to Morton Junior High
Onward to the end.
Watch our team go on to victory
Hurrah for Morton Junior High